What schools say about us
Why Choose Us?
Apart from having an already wide range of modules that is continually being added to, Complete-ED offers a modern user-friendly approach to all aspects of school life. Administrators and Registrars are given tools to make their job easier, Parents have an app that makes interacting with school a breeze and other staff can work together efficiently.
Flexibility built-in - If you are an IT admin, you can pick how your data is stored. On your own database server, a co-located server or entirely Complete-ED built and managed. Accounts can be linked to Microsoft 365 logins, providing an easy way to get all your staff up and running quickly.
Group Ready - Complete-ED is designed to allow groups of schools to work as one, whilst allowing each school to have it's own identity.
Already using an MIS? Use Wonde to sync up to your existing data